Sunday, June 12, 2011

Human Mistakes, and Mistake-Making Humans

Readers. im sorry i wont continue my previous posts, but in retrospect...2011 has been a memorable the past few days, "memorable" has developed into a word that can be defined as both a negative and a positive phenomenon.. you choose.

so im dumb...i made a mistake right before my internship to Portugal...and according to some people it was an extremely big one. So lets say i made a BIG mistake, just to be politically correct. I put my future, my education and my life in jeopardy, and i DO NOT deny or justify any of it (just to be clear). I dont know if ill be fit to live after tonight, but im writing this because that's what i do....i write.

I write when im at any type of extreme. Whether emotionally (happy, sad, scared, angry...etc)....or physically ( i think you know what i mean). Additionally, I dont know if its the time to think about this at the moment, but my mistake is making me thing of a lot of random things so please bear with me.

Here goes.

Our society is not very understanding when it comes to mistakes. Many forget the fact that humans were made imperfect, whether they make big or small mistakes is all relative. For the purpose of this post, i'll be substituting the term "mistakes" into "human mistakes" to remind you that im human, as are you, and every other being on Earth: Thus, mistakes are not wrong...and making them is inevitable. Because, this is the way we were made, and if it was wrong...then something is terribly wrong with the God we belive in if He made anything to be any less than right.

So basically, to put it in simpler terms, when a child is born into our society (poor child)...they look at that innocent face of his/hers...and leave no room for that innocence to fade every once in a while...they expect the child to be static, unchanging, untouched, sacred.... What's ironic is that our society fears making human mistakes because of the other humans, who are also human mistake makers, that might....well, for lack of better So, when you make a mistake, all of your achievements, all of your ambitions, and all of your earnings.....are all either gone or taken away because of that lousy, human mistake. All the good stuff is doesn't count anymore, because you my friend, like I, made a human mistake.

My favorite part of this society is that throughout living in this perfect bubble of hidden imperfections, they justify their endless judgements by playing the religion card. I should be crying right now, but i swear i'm laughing at them. Anyways..i'm typing this post, and i simultaneously cringe as i think of the religion card.
The religion card im talking about, my dear readers, is the most non-credible card you can use (its like when you use google as a reference for research..not credible). However, it is somehow the strongest because when you make a human have somehow defied God. The contradiction here is that if the people pointing their fingers at you make the same human mistake, they justify it by saying that God created humans imperfect...we were meant to make mistakes.

I dont know if i can connect this to any sort of economics, or politics....or anything of the sort. But dear reader, do you think that with so much contradiction in such a small society....we will ever get anywhere. How will we be able to solve our problems, when we're too busy pointing out other people's problems? How will be able to solve THE ROOT of all our problems, when we wont even admit our own? Finally, how will we ever learn from our human mistakes...if we're not allowed to make them, if we're not allowed to embrace and love them?

Wait. I thought i was gonna end at the point but...

I just remembered another thing about the religion questions is, since we're all so keen and loyal to our religion, is their ANY passage that somehow allows men to make the same mistakes as women and not face any consequences? Does our society know that God will not look at our gender as he sorts us in Heaven or Hell?

what type of God judges based on gender? what type of God has different rules for two genders of his own creations? what type of imperfect God are we dealing with here?

Im sorry i dont believe in that God. The God i know is perfect, and He is the only one who has the right to judge us. He would have never created two genders if he did not make sure they were treated the same....judged equally.

So basically,
We're not allowed to make human mistakes
We're not allowed to be human
We're not allowed to be women.

Do you know how many problems those last prohibitions have caused us in the past eras?
Look into history and find out how ungrateful, contradictory, disrespectful, dishonest and blind our society is.

I'm not saying im a woman and i want equal rights blah blah blah....thats all crap. I dont mind living in a patriarchal society, i adapted. Im just saying that people should understand that rights that were given to all mankind -- or womankind, to all feminists out there. LOL. And when i say rights, i don't mean rights as in the codified human rights we all know, i think those are also just saying we should all have the right to make mistakes, where ever and what ever we are, no matter how big they are, because we were made to do them...we were made to learn from them....and we were made to build ourselves, our characters and our personalities by making them.

Im sorry, but i cant say anything other than... this sucks.

Wish me luck. If ill live till tonight, ill keep you posted.


  1. It's not that we're not allowed not allowed to make mistakes, its that people tend to spend more time discussing the mistakes rather than solving and correcting their mistakes. That's simply silly.

    In the other sense, I do agree with you, that the religion card is over used, and abused, and if it was a cow, it would be a runway model because it would have been milked till the last drop. But we have to understand that we cant label any justification or accusation with religion. Islam is more of an encyclopedia and a way of life, than a mere religion. It confirms to logic, if people are rational (rationality being the islamic rationality). Therefore, if we label everything under logic, then we can avoid abusing religion, and making people repent by the idea of "religious conversation".

    I just want to emphasize how people should avoid labeling everything with religion, and use logic instead since Islam is an instinct based logical religion. And second, if people spent as much time solving their problems as talking about them and discussing them, we would be running at a higher pace on the development meter, *I'm Just Saying!*.

    Don't worry about a thing. You will probably make it out alive.

  2. I'm not sure I understand the specific instance you're referring to. More info?

  3. Nothing is perfect, not even how terrible and distorted our society is. By speaking of the possibility of staying alive until the night, you shed the light over this thing we live by: solving a problem by creating a bigger problem. If it is that serious, (hoping it is not though) I wish you luck.
