Thursday, July 14, 2011

Arabs in Portugal

Before i begin with our topic today,  i would like to start with the story that inspired it.

I was sitting at lunch time in one of the little Portuguese restaurants by the Embassy (I described them in my last post) with some of my colleagues at work. I cannot mention their names, but that's not important. The more important thing is that our group consisted of a Moroccan, a Tunisian, an Egyptian, and an Emirati (me. haha). We were generally talking about the relatively small percentage of Arabs living in Portugal comparing other parts of Europe. This lead us to exchanging stories about how Arabs act when they find other Arabs in foreign countries.

So, the Egyptian decides to tell his story:

"When my wife arrived here [Portugal] about three months after i arrived, this stranger put her hand on my wife's shoulder and shouted AL SALAM ALAIKUM [May peace be upon you -- the Muslim way of saying: Hello!]. We did not even know this woman, yet she joyfully started calling her husband and the rest of the family to introduce to us. It's like they haven't seen any other Arabs for years and they felt they could immediately communicate with us as 'their own'..."

As we all laughed about the story, the Moroccan also decided to share an interesting one:

" When i started living in Portugal many years ago, i was living in a very small University City. There were literally no Arabs to be found. After a couple of years, i literally started to get depressed [in Arabic: Jaany Ehbaat! -- mostly said in a comedic manner rather than a serious one]. Then one day, i saw this young man wearing a Palestinian 'Ghutra' [scarf] around his neck, and that made me curious. Although he had a very 'European' complexion [he was white...haha] and everybody wears the Ghutra around their necks nowadays as some sort of a fashion statement, I just couldn't help my curiosity and  i slowly walked next to him to listen what he was saying. The moment i overheard him speaking Arabic, i was ecstatic! I immediately went to him and said INTA ARABI [You're Arab!] Al SALAM ALAIKUM Brother!! And until today, after many years, we are very close friends."


If you guys have read my past posts, you would know that i am not very fond of concepts such as patriotism or community...or anything of the sort. And to be very honest, i never felt a 'connection' to Arabs in general because i always focused on individuality. At some point, i believed in working on the self rather than the community, in contrast to most Arab mentalities where community /family is crucial. Keep in mind that i am not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing, i'm just saying that i never felt like that while living in the UAE. I don't like the idea or 'instant brotherhood'.

However, while i sat with my Arab colleagues, eating Portuguese food in a Portuguese restaurant, amongst Portuguese people (you can also substitute the word Portuguese with 'foreign' in the last sentence if u want to further understand this post), i couldn't help but feel at home.

It is very interesting to me how Arabs ....function.
For instance, even if we look at aspects that are literally ruining the MENA Region's economy, such as wasta (translated into English as Favoritism, Nepotism, or Cronyism), we still do it because of this invisible 'bond' we have. An example of this is employing someone "he is my cousin". For us, the bigger the wasta, the more connections you have...and the better opportunities u get. To us, the more wasta, the 'cooler' you are. To us, wasta, is not cronyism, as it is in most of the 'West', it's just helping a brotha out. Of course, i am not saying that this does not happen in western countries, but at least to Westerners, it's a negative thing...and its not something they show off. It's what you call...ehm...illegal.

This also reminds me of a story my economics professor once told in class -- but i can't really remember where he was in the story:

" i went into a cab once in 'country X' and the cab driver was an Arab. So, when he dropped me to the spot, i wanted to pay him but he did not allow me. He told me that 'his brother' does not have to pay for anything".

Anyways, going back to my subject, the one thing i learned today is that this 'invisible bond' between Arabs does not have anything to do with culture or religion... or wait...maybe its A BIT cultural, but not at all religion because some of the Arabs here are Christian...but i think it's mostly because of the language. It's only that one language, in all of its accents, that brings us together into this mysterious brotherhood bubble.

To tell you the truth, i think this phenomenon is pretty unique, as i haven't really seen it anywhere. I have never seen Europeans in Arab countries shouting out "OLA! Esta Portuguese!!" or "Bonjour! Vous estes Francais!!" to a stranger they barely know. Also, the thing here is, EVEN if we assume that Westerners do that, they would only 'connect' with people from their own nationalities -- i.e. Spaniards with Spaniards, French with French, Americans with Americans...and so on.
On the other hand, Arabs connect with Arabs; it doesn't really matter if you come from the Middle East, the Levant, or North Africa. It something like an exclusive club. As long as you speak some sort of Arabic, you're in. Oh by the way, this does not count if you're not born Arab. So, if you just learned how to speak Arabic, can't get into our club. haha.

Of course, many people can argue this as the post has been written completely from personal observations, experiences and opinions...i didn't do any research and i'm completely open to arguments, disagreement and discussion. But i just had to write about this because it seemed really interesting from an 'observer's' perspective.
I never actually sat to think about this because i guess it always came naturally, and also because i haven't really 'lived' in a foreign country for a reason other than vacations.

Additionally, I think to some point, if one goes deeper into it, it can also be looked at as an Eastern think in general. South Asians with South Asians, Far Easterners with Far Easterners....etc.
I guess one only notices one's 'own' when one is far away from one's hometown.
So what do you guys think?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Describing A Day in Portugal

I open my eyes to a bright sun at 7:30 am. Very tired. Yet, as i stretch and deeply breathe in the scent of fresh bread in the morning...all of my 'tired-ness' just fades.

I get up, wash my face, dress for work, and kiss my mother's forehead while she sleeps soundly...and leave the apartment. I go down to the lobby to find a beautiful breakfast that includes those fresh breads i previously smelt in the morning, scrambled eggs, different types of fresh cheese, fruit salad, jams, honey and my personal favorite...their rich, buttery, moist date muffins. The food slowly melts in my mouth as i gracefully wash it down with a warm berry and caramel tea.

Later on, the car comes to pick me up and i leave for a new day at work. Of course,
work is full of surprises. I get to meet powerful people negotiating sensitive subjects between two great countries (UAE and Portugal). For a few moments, i get to watch small parts of history being made.
At my lunch break, im invited by my colleagues to this very small, very down to earth, traditional Portuguese restaurant, where there is no place to sit....literally. If you would give it a modern rating, then it would literally get ZERO stars...but that's just an elitist way of looking at it. Bastards.
I order something of the 4 or 3 homemade dishes (menu changes every day with not more than 4 choices), and stand while I wait for the food.
The old woman, who made me feel like i was home with her caring motherly expression, presents me with a plate of beautiful fish soaked in tomatoes and onions with a side of lightly salted boiled potatoes, excellently pealed and cooked perfectly...not too much...not too little. The burst of flavor was unbelievable. It was better than any 'classy' restaurant i've been could tell that it was made with a lotta love.

After lunch we go out to a small kiosk in the garden right outside work, where me and my colleagues sip a quick coffee before we go back in (this is only ONE of the many cups they have in a day).
The weather was mild (about 24 Degrees). It was a perfect mixture of a cold breeze and a hot sun. Doves literally come right next to my feet looking for food. People all around me, having a drink, a laugh, a conversation...just chillin. Monuments and art galleries all surround me at a close distance.
The people of Portugal are art admirers. They are very liberal and they don't care about other people whatsoever. They are a people that respect others for who they are and they also respect different opinions in all aspects. I got all of this so far in less than a week.

After coffee, i had to leave the embassy again to attend a negotiation at the Ministry of Foreign affairs. I cannot say anything about that, but i can say that it lasted for 10 hours.

After that hectic process, i dined with these powerful people and i had the opportunity of watching them debate extremely sensitive issue while a vast array of fresh seafood was being served on our table right across the beach.

My day ends at 1 am. Hectic. I'm exhausted.

It is only beautiful days like this that make me think about how much time i have wasted, and how many opportunities have passed.

Anyways, ill try to post pictures of the restaurants and foods later on. I hope you enjoyed my description of Lisbon, Portugal. Its truly a very REAL country. I love it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Comfort Zone: Hatred, Nostalgia, and Gradual Disappearance. Part (4/4)

I apologize for this next post you are going to read, but this time…it’s not a parody. It might obviously show my anger. But, the amount of loved ones i have seen go through the previous phases is unbelievable. No matter how different these people are. 

The solution to your problem is going to be all a conclusion of MINE. No self help jargon.


   By this time, dear reader, if you have read this for anything other than entertainment purposes, then I'm very angry at you. You have just proven to, and to yourself, how desperate you are.

   Here you are being ignorant. That’s all. You are wasting valuable time on finding a so-called soulmate when you should be looking for your next adventure. What’s so beautiful about a relationship is that you DO NOT completely know the person and you seem to find out something new every single day…. whether good or bad. You can’t use the I KNOW HIM/HER card…and that’s the beauty of it.

   If you are a person who thinks that another human being deserves to take control of your life, then you are nothing but another unproductive space and time waster.
Yes, we all fall in love. But what type of love causes you NOTHING but pain. True, all relationships have ups and downs…but really…when you’re always down…then what’s the point?

   What are YOU getting out of this? Are YOU learning anything? Are YOU becoming a better person, a more productive human, while being with your partner? Do you wake up every morning saying “Thank God I have him/her in my life to bring out the best in me”? If not, then I'm sorry. You are nothing but a person who is making excuses to STAY IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE. That’s the worst thing anyone could every do…because that’s where your life stops. You should constantly be looking for things that build your character and your personality, not break them. Also, you should be pursuing lessons from your mistakes instead of repeating them everyday.

   This is to all my loved ones who are beautiful, intelligent and amazing. Knowing their purest spirits has always made me think that they DO NOT deserve any sort of pain. Especially not self inflicted pain. Stop wasting your time. You are not being humble by forgetting yourself in this situation; you are only blindly digging deeper into your own hole.

The Comfort Zone: Hatred, Nostalgia, and Gradual Disappearance. Part(3/4)

Hello again, let’s move on to the first phase without wasting time.

Phase 1: Hatred

   The phase of Hatred explains itself. Here, you will face so much hatred towards your ex to the extent that it will turn itself into a sort of false power. It will make you feel stronger, you will not miss him/her, you will hardly ever think about him/her in a way other than evil. Your ex hurt you, humiliated you, degraded you…broke you….and now you completely realize it, and its all clear.

   What you don’t realize is what’s coming next. The only thing you can do is distract yourself a lot in this phase and keep yourself away from any “I’m strong without you” types of phone calls or texts.
Avoid communication whatsoever, because this false power you have is just you blocking you pain. It is not real, and you are very hurt….and that’s ok.

Phase 2: Nostalgia

    This is the most important phase in my self-help series. It is the hardest and the most painful, but again, it is all in your hands. You can make the best of it. You can do it. Just Do It. (I'm sorry Nike, but I couldn’t be more original)

    I say that Phase 2 is the hardest because if your ex was a drug, then this is where you start to suffer withdrawal symptoms. Assuming that the whole time you and your ex were in a relationship, your body was secreting a sort of “love hormone” which your body adapted to getting a dose of everyday. This hormone does not have anything to do with whether your relationship is good or bad, it simply excretes the hormone just because your ex was there. You got used to having them around in your life. He/She became a part of your life, your blood..

Imagine that drug being taken away from you all of a sudden, what would happen?

   You will experience depression, crying at the most unconventional times, temporary eating disorders…etc. All you need to do here is wait it out. PLEASE BE WARNED: going back to your ex will not fix this, you are broken and only you can put yourself back. You were born alone, and you can make it alone.

   Additionally, this is the part where your ‘sanity’ after HATRED comes back. You start to remember the good times more often than the bad times. You start to remember how your ex used to make you laugh and blush and turn your stomach upside down. To try to distract yourself, just remember that nobody should have the right to that amount of power over you, but you. You have to start focusing on the life you have (as the author I'm thinking: That’s if you every had a life. Haha.) .

Phase 3: Gradual Disappearance

   This Phase happens unconsciously. This is where your body, as strong as it is, starts to heal itself; and this is where your mind starts to pick its pieces up, and puts itself back together. Some mornings, you will wake up with your ex on your mind, but the point of this phase is that you’ve made peace with it. Other mornings, you will wake up and remember that you that you did not remember you ex today…
And that’s where you start to heal.


   Wow. If you’re still reading to this point, then there is something wrong with you. I have no PhD in psychology, nor do I have any sort of authority or experience for you to be reading my version of ‘self-help’; but if you still find this interesting, keep reading to the solution…may God be with you my child.  

Please move on to the next and final post.

The Comfort Zone: Hatred, Nostalgia, and Gradual Disappearance. Part(2/4)

   So, now you have left him/her. You feel strong and confident. But still…this is only the beginning.

   Of course you’re kinda shook up. You’ve been with you’re partner for ‘a minimum of 2 years’… every day you guys have spent with each other is written on every single cell that runs in your blood. Every breath you take spells out the 3 to 10 letters that make up his/her name.
You feel good…but it’s still…lonely…empty. This is where I come in.

   My solution is aimed at people who have been in a relationship which they were not given what they deserve, but settle for less anyways because they fear the process stepping out of THE COMFORT ZONE. The Comfort Zone here is what we all have to step out of if it includes any sort of abuse. You should not be scared, you should grow a pair and experience the next adventures you’re supposed to face.

In the beginning, I start with a theory.

My theory—cuz you gotta have one— predicts that you will experience 3 phases:
1. Hatred
2. Nostalgia
3. Gradual Disappearance

   Before I start explaining these three phases [building suspense], I must stress on how important it is for you to understand that there is NO time limit for these. Every person has a different healing process. Some heal fast; others heal slowly [duh – don’t you just love the obvious ‘wise’ statements?].

   In addition, make sure that it is YOU who dumped your partner and not the other way around [like it makes a difference—random rules are the best!].

   After I explain the three phases in as much detail as I can, we will proceed to the possible solution(s) at the end of this multi-parted post [haha].
Additionally, if you do not know what the 3 phase titles mean, please check them in the dictionary before you keep reading. I warn you they are the essential part of this ‘program’ [speak to your readers like they’re idiots, the world is full of masochists]

Now, let’s start with the phases – please proceed to the next post

The Comfort Zone: Hatred, Nostalgia, and Gradual Disappearance. Part(1/4)

    This post is dedicated to the era of self-help. It is somehow a parody of the amount of …OBVIOUSNESS… in these books, as well as an eye opener, hopefully, to many of my loved ones.

   What I mean by the concept of self-help is not your everyday economic/Gandhian concept of self-help [Google it if you have no idea what I am talking about]; it’s the ‘self-help’ section you find in any bookstore. Why Men Marry Bitches, Eat Pray Love, The Secret, and Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams are a couple of examples of what you’ll find in this section.

   Since these are a part of a growing industry which feed on low-self esteem, depression and hypochondria, I thought to myself…why not give it a go?! It could be fun…writing advice on how one can ‘help’ one’s self…trying to make assumptions your reader will feel familiar with…it’s pretty interesting. 

P.S I’m not dissing any of these books so don’t sue me. I am merely trying to imitate their genre in an amateur manner…which is more fun…and also HILARIOUS.

    Before I start with my very own self help series on romantic relationships, which is of course everyone’s favorite, I have to lay down my assumptions. If, however, any reader seems to not ‘familiarize’ [usage of rarely used words is a must – might be turned into familiarization later on] with these assumptions… please do not stop reading…you might use it to laugh at other people.

  • 1.     You have been with a person for a long time – minimum of 3 years.
  • 2.     You are not married.
  • 3.     Every time someone asks/asked you about this relationship, you answered: ”It’s Complicated”. 
  • 4.     The relationship is constantly On and Off.
  • 5.     You have no idea where it is going.
  • 6.     You have no idea if it is serious or not.
  • 7.     You call this relationship ‘special’ or ‘unique’ instead of chaotic.
  • 8.     You keep giving your partner excuses…in everything. For example: “But, he punched you” – You look at you best friend straight in the eye [with your black eye] and answer: “Nooo, it’s not like that. He wanted to slap me but got confused”.  – of course, this is an extreme example…but you know what I’m talking about.
  • 9.     Every single day, your partner tells you about a lie he told you a long time ago. Example: “You remember when I told you your eyes were sparkling on our first date? [giggles] I was totally lying I just wanted to get laid. So weird how we ended up here eh?”
  • 10You always seem to use “but, he loves/cares about/likes me”, “but we’ve been together for so long”, “he’s different, I know him”.
  • 11You often end up blaming yourself for everything.
  • 12This post is for people who have actually found the strength to leave their ‘bad’ partners.

So these are my 12 assumptions [The number has to be awkward and random for the readers to remember – like 12…wtf]. If you are in the zone of familiarization [I told you I’d use it!], keep reading. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Human Mistakes, and Mistake-Making Humans

Readers. im sorry i wont continue my previous posts, but in retrospect...2011 has been a memorable the past few days, "memorable" has developed into a word that can be defined as both a negative and a positive phenomenon.. you choose.

so im dumb...i made a mistake right before my internship to Portugal...and according to some people it was an extremely big one. So lets say i made a BIG mistake, just to be politically correct. I put my future, my education and my life in jeopardy, and i DO NOT deny or justify any of it (just to be clear). I dont know if ill be fit to live after tonight, but im writing this because that's what i do....i write.

I write when im at any type of extreme. Whether emotionally (happy, sad, scared, angry...etc)....or physically ( i think you know what i mean). Additionally, I dont know if its the time to think about this at the moment, but my mistake is making me thing of a lot of random things so please bear with me.

Here goes.

Our society is not very understanding when it comes to mistakes. Many forget the fact that humans were made imperfect, whether they make big or small mistakes is all relative. For the purpose of this post, i'll be substituting the term "mistakes" into "human mistakes" to remind you that im human, as are you, and every other being on Earth: Thus, mistakes are not wrong...and making them is inevitable. Because, this is the way we were made, and if it was wrong...then something is terribly wrong with the God we belive in if He made anything to be any less than right.

So basically, to put it in simpler terms, when a child is born into our society (poor child)...they look at that innocent face of his/hers...and leave no room for that innocence to fade every once in a while...they expect the child to be static, unchanging, untouched, sacred.... What's ironic is that our society fears making human mistakes because of the other humans, who are also human mistake makers, that might....well, for lack of better So, when you make a mistake, all of your achievements, all of your ambitions, and all of your earnings.....are all either gone or taken away because of that lousy, human mistake. All the good stuff is doesn't count anymore, because you my friend, like I, made a human mistake.

My favorite part of this society is that throughout living in this perfect bubble of hidden imperfections, they justify their endless judgements by playing the religion card. I should be crying right now, but i swear i'm laughing at them. Anyways..i'm typing this post, and i simultaneously cringe as i think of the religion card.
The religion card im talking about, my dear readers, is the most non-credible card you can use (its like when you use google as a reference for research..not credible). However, it is somehow the strongest because when you make a human have somehow defied God. The contradiction here is that if the people pointing their fingers at you make the same human mistake, they justify it by saying that God created humans imperfect...we were meant to make mistakes.

I dont know if i can connect this to any sort of economics, or politics....or anything of the sort. But dear reader, do you think that with so much contradiction in such a small society....we will ever get anywhere. How will we be able to solve our problems, when we're too busy pointing out other people's problems? How will be able to solve THE ROOT of all our problems, when we wont even admit our own? Finally, how will we ever learn from our human mistakes...if we're not allowed to make them, if we're not allowed to embrace and love them?

Wait. I thought i was gonna end at the point but...

I just remembered another thing about the religion questions is, since we're all so keen and loyal to our religion, is their ANY passage that somehow allows men to make the same mistakes as women and not face any consequences? Does our society know that God will not look at our gender as he sorts us in Heaven or Hell?

what type of God judges based on gender? what type of God has different rules for two genders of his own creations? what type of imperfect God are we dealing with here?

Im sorry i dont believe in that God. The God i know is perfect, and He is the only one who has the right to judge us. He would have never created two genders if he did not make sure they were treated the same....judged equally.

So basically,
We're not allowed to make human mistakes
We're not allowed to be human
We're not allowed to be women.

Do you know how many problems those last prohibitions have caused us in the past eras?
Look into history and find out how ungrateful, contradictory, disrespectful, dishonest and blind our society is.

I'm not saying im a woman and i want equal rights blah blah blah....thats all crap. I dont mind living in a patriarchal society, i adapted. Im just saying that people should understand that rights that were given to all mankind -- or womankind, to all feminists out there. LOL. And when i say rights, i don't mean rights as in the codified human rights we all know, i think those are also just saying we should all have the right to make mistakes, where ever and what ever we are, no matter how big they are, because we were made to do them...we were made to learn from them....and we were made to build ourselves, our characters and our personalities by making them.

Im sorry, but i cant say anything other than... this sucks.

Wish me luck. If ill live till tonight, ill keep you posted.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Turning Point. Part (2/2)

Knowing me by now, dear readers, through my posts in this blog...i don't like routine. I wanted to do something drastic, and i guess...i did. Other than the previous 'activities' i was engaged in, i wanted to leave to Portugal with a memorable step i seek to take.

that's where Men of the UAE came. The Men of the UAE showcase was yet again, another turning point i CHOSE to make in 2011. It was a result of an idea i had two years ago while i was sitting in my best friend's room. Having a passion for observing men in general, and having found a new passion for sucky photography, i asked her: "why don't i take pictures of men?". 

yes, it started as a dirty and sarcastic questions, and turned into a showcase of 19 Men of the UAE on the 28th and 29th of March. I got to the the world -- or the people that came -- about my obsession for men in a diplomatic way. LOL. 
the MUAE showcase was a mesh of my new 'self' and my new views on others. I can say that i have proudly reached a point in life where i regret nothing i have done in life, for those 'mistakes' are what make me human...and they are what make me who i am now. 

I did not seek calling myself an artist, nor a photographer, i just wanted to put my old passion and my new passion -- writing and photography -- together, to create a bit of magic. To my luck, i met a a good friend... and i see her as my personal angel. I pitched her the idea of how i want to portray our men in a different way. Other than their attractive physique, i wanted people to feel the energy i feel when a man of the UAE passes by...those chills down my spine... that music in my ears as i hear his 'kandoora' (traditional attire)...and oh that mesmerizing scent resulting from the half bottle of perfume he has sprayed on. 

Other than that, our men have such a diversity among them that i hardly see anywhere else in the world. You have your corporate slaves, your fathers, your comedians, your fishermen, your bedouins, your protectors, your fathers, your artists...all compiled into what we know as a small population that is 'only 9% of the UAE'. 

Oh shit, i forgot my laptop charger. Ill complete this post when im out of this coffee shop. If i dont...then im an ass. Im sorry

but im just gonna end with this. the point of my turning point is that i got to a point where i allowed my ego and my anger to mate....and i called that bastard: art. This is how i got to the point where now i know that i want to be an artist bum. It free. It real. and i get to say whatever i want...and people will say: it's ok, she's an artist...she's deep, and any comment she gives us...-even if its bullshit inspiring. 

Turning Point. Part (1/2)

Readers. 2011 is where i have experienced a new beginning. I'm 20, yet somehow i feel born again.

Hearts of steel
Character Building

Words that will always remind me of this turning point.

A conclusion resulting from endless conclusions.

In 7 days, i will be leaving to Portugal for two months. Alone.

After about 4 months of endless work, noises...experiences, im sitting here at a coffee shop. Alone.
This leaves me wondering about the choices i want to make. Do i want those endless noises? do i want all of those people around me? or do i want that that peaceful lifestyle, noise free, experience free.

This is what my turning point was all about.

I started my last junior semester at university with a job at the radio, a job at university and hard courses to look forward, the semester has ended, and somehow, people are calling me an 'artist'. Next year i am a senior, an artist, a woman, and a complete human.

How i got to these conclusions, one would think, are all a blur. But no. I remember each and every moment.

Being the lazy bastard i am, i'm surprised at what i've done --not accomplished, but done.

in the beginning, I trained in the Arab Media world to become a radio presenter. It was all a lie, i knew that the moment i started. They needed me to lie...and all i did was 'train'. It is amazing what these people do to further inflate the bubble we already live in. I hate that bubble. It makes me lazier. Yet, i cannot pop it, for i have no idea what to do after it has been popped...yet. Unfortunately, that's what most of the people here strive to do. Instead of trying to live in the real world, we water our materialism until we become monsters. It is only in a very small community, where the real world is addressed.

this is one post i am finding so hard to write because i literally feel nothing. I usually write when i am feeling something. Whether anger, happiness, disgust, or shame. At some point during my training in the media world, i knew i wanted to be a part of that community,,,the community outside the media. Fuckers. Yet, one thing i was afraid of is if i left them, i would be called a quitter. Further in time...when two months passed, I quit. I understood that these are not people i work with. They are animals. Animals of the media world, wanting to turn us 'commoners' into animals just like them. So, i left to pursue something else.

Throughout my training in the media, i was also really busy working to get an internship somewhere far away. That's how Portugal stepped into my life. Since the semester started, I've been writing, sending and receiving letters back and forth to get an internship --- which was one thing that surprises me... i actually filled out application forms, ew; and worked with lazy, disorganized and not punctual people, double ew, to get something I WANTED done --- alone. Away, alone, no one...just me.

Being the youngest in my family, im relatively spoilt. This is why 2011 was a test i bestowed upon myself to see how far i can go.

Go to my next post if u wanna complete reading this crappy, very narcissistic, very egotistical, disorganized post of mine.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The War on Dynamism

This is a post for all my critics.

My writing is my baby, and i want to raise it well.
So criticize away! I seriously don't like compliments...the last thing i need is for my ego to be fed.
Break me as much as you can, so i can rebuild and reboot as much as i can.


One thing i noticed from my very few first readers was that they wanted a 'certain topic'. Basically, there is no certain topic...and it seems to be all over the place.

well, that's great! that's EXACTLY what i want.

Yes, as an anarchist -- at heart -- i should respect the concept of everything. That's the only way the world can grow...yet i think what is even more beautiful than specialization is dynamism.

Let's put the economy and all of that aside. I am talking about people. Personally, i am interesting in about everything in long as it's interesting. Give me video games, art, literature, fishing, skydiving, writing, food, music, science, math.....each of these make equally important parts of this world and they all complete each other.
I don't know... for some reason i like being all over the place. I understand there are advantages and disadvantages to this, but that's just me....i could improve or not...that's up to the what's ahead. For now, i thank my readers for commenting....but i just want to assure all of you that i mean to be all over the place. Please do not take it as a weakness. It is just pure entertainment.

I don't like being narrowed i don't like taking sides...i like watching the big picture. I simply loooove thinking about everything because it is the only think that keeps me active and awake!
I know that if i simply narrow myself down, then my writing will slowly die....and my love for it will perish. All i want to get from this blog is to see my readers entertained and the ONLY thing i want this blog to persuade them to do is to keep an open mind and to take a break from the outside world.

In life, i understand that sometimes one is compelled to be either black or white. But, that does not mean that the shades of grey that exist in your mind have to disappear.

That is exactly what hobbies and talents are keep you as far away from the outside world as possible. God has given us minds not in order to limit us, but to make our imaginations go wild....He has given us this power in order for us to go to the furthest paths in search of His truth, His greatness, His knowledge and His power. The outside world should not be allowed to control us. We do not ALWAYS have to 'pick one topic'. We were given the power to control our minds, and i'm telling you when we reach to the level of complete control...then we should know we have accomplished something. It is very easy telling people what to think....but the important thing is how we CHOOSE to think.

All in all, yes....i respect specialization. But still, when it comes to your spare time...your blog....your everywhere simultaneously... and believe drug in the world can give you the same high as dynamism.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Only Woman I Would Marry, My mother.

Mothers. What's so special about them?

I wonder how it is around the world, how different all the mothers are. Yet, anywhere around the world [hopefully], she given such a special place. Why?
I don't think its only because she popped us out of her womb. I'm sure there is something else.

Mothers are unique beings. They know every single point that pisses you off, they know were to click if they want to criticize you and make your blood pressure run through the roof, they know how to break you apart when they publicly humiliate you, they boss you around just because they claim that they 'care'.

Again, why are they so special?
Well here it is...i hope after this post, everyone will know why a mother deserves her 'job title'.

A mother is a person that has the guts to take responsibility of having another life grow inside of her without expecting any gratitude. As that person grows within her, she gets fat, hormonal, moody, heavy, gassy, and any other crappy physical status one can think of. But still, she makes everyday seem like a blessing when she just looks at her belly, pats it gently, and smiles at her unborn child.

A mother is an awkward being who has complete control on our feelings. She does not really need to say anything, but with any certain facial expression, she can make us understand her pride, her disappointment, her wisdom, her happiness, her anger, and most of all...her motherhood. She's the pro when it comes to mind control.

A mother is a woman that endures all sorts of mental, physical and spiritual pain....but not for herself. She endures it for the people around her. Her selflessness is an indescribable characteristic which we will never understand, and which will always be an irritating mystery to us. Her goals are almost always dedicated to others, and when she achieves them, she is still not satisfied. She wants more. She wants more goals for other people....namely, her children.

I mean...she could've gotten an abortion... She could've put us in an orphanage...We could've managed alone....right?

Well...yeah i guess...

I guess i could've managed those sleepless nights, where my fever would spike so high i would actually hallucinate...all alone.
I guess i could've built my own personality, learned my values, my manners...all alone.
I guess i could've washed my face, brushed my teeth and combed my hair... all alone.
I guess i could've driven myself to school every single morning, and sang myself a lullaby while coming back from school...all alone.

You see...we can do all of that...all alone.
But the thing is, she is a mother because she is literally always there. She is always there even when we cannot stand her being there. Our first step, first word, first swear word (i personally had to add that), our first mistake, our many other mistakes..

She is the first woman one loves before thinking of one's own gender, ones own sexuality and all that bullshit that comes later on. The moment God allowed our souls into our bodies, her scent, her smile and her arms were all there. She should've hated us...for all the pain she endured, endures and will always endure....she should just give up. But, she's just like an addict that keeps coming back for more.

Yes, we have rehab centers for alcoholics, junkies, psychologically disoriented people....yet mothers have no place to go back to for curing their addiction to their children. Im telling you, they just keep coming back for more disappointment, more pain, more fights, more heartbreak... they are unbelievable. simply unbelievable.

Even more irritating is the fact that they don't really have incentive to do all of this, nor do they ask for any gratitude. All they say is -- and i'm quoting my mom here -- " As long as He [God] knows, i am totally fine". While saying that, she breathes deeply, looks up at the empty sky and grins. SO PISSING OFF!! You just sit there...confused...WHY WOULD GOD PUT YOU THROUGH THIS MISERY?! But, i guess only mothers know what the answer to that would be.

this is for the only woman i would ever marry,
this is for my mother.
My queen, my food, my Earth, my education, my melody, my love, my friend, my personality.
Please stop irritating me with your love, and showering me with your care. It's disgusting how I have nothing to offer you and i hate it.

To My Dear Bahrain, From a Worthless Lover

To my Bahrain,

     All my life, i've known that 'half' of my blood contained your name on it. I never liked you in the beginning because my other 'half' [UAE] has blinded me with its physical beauty. I always underestimated your inner beauty, the knowledge you possessed, and the smile you always had the ability to put on my face.
I obnoxiously disregarded the fact that you raised my mother and father, i forgot how you taught them how to be Bahraini at heart all the time....and i forgot how perfect that is.

The people who you raised -- the Bahrainis --  are the people the whole Gulf knew were the best. We all knew how your people held your name high with their manners, their kindness, their humor, and their spirit.  They have no 'fake' in their dictionaries, and they do not care whether their clothes cost a dime or a million, as long as they held their heads high with your name in their hearts.

You welcomed me every second i maligned you...every moment i looked down upon you, you put me right between your arms. you offered me shelter when even my own have given up on me.

What is happening to you now is out of our reach, and all i can do is regret not being a part of you until now....when you are fading when you are leaving us because these bastards whom you have raised cannot appreciate you. I remember you now when your own people are ruining you, tearing you apart and spilling each other's blood right in front of your eyes. But also, i remember you when i fell on your streets while rollerblading...i remember how you always brought me and my cousins together...i remember the smell of your rain...your aching cold winter weather and your lazy summer morning.

All we can do is pray, and i regret it. All i can do is hear about my cousin's standing outside the their homes, protecting themselves while your forms of authority fail to protect them. My dear kind cousins, who have turned into fighters with weapons in their hands and hatred in their hearts, not knowing how to fight over you...or fight for you......not knowing that by doing this...they slowly kill you.

Over here, we complain because we can afford it. But your people never complained, no matter how many times you let them down....and that shows what you raised them to be.

Now, i have no idea why your younger generation is acting like a bunch of bastards who think they know everything when they don't know shit. They disrespectfully disregard how much their ancestors have worked to build your beauty, they bring shame to the generations who have raised them. They have nothing to offer you, so in turn they slowly ruin you. I hope they all burn in hell. And i hope the people behind them be damned.

I pray any person who had the heart to make your mothers cry, who brought pain to your daughters, who stile the innocence of your sons die a torturous death. I pray they endure the pain they brought to their own people, to you my Bahrain, when they will be judged by Him. Then, my dear Bahrain, only then will you find peace.

I pray for you. I love you. I love your dearly and sincerely.

A Bahraini soul stuck in an Emirati body.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Civilization in Hell (Part 1/ ?)

So I was thinking…what if we’re all now living in the afterlife. The process of judgment, sorting ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people, and eternal damnation is all over.

This time is like a gazillion years (not human years but divine years) away. What if God puts us—the people in hell — through another test? This is the test where God experiments on the damned. He would like to see whether these pitiful, not dead nor living, sorry excuses for human beings can actually start a civilization and ‘build’ or ‘develop’ hell… of course this is as opposed to how they did not develop Earth.

So, these people do what they do best. They sin. But, this time since they’re put through this test of actually creating their own version of a civilization, they find a way to make use of their ‘sinfulness’. We’re talking lust, wrath, sloth, envy, vanity, gluttony, and greed…all characteristics that now make lots of money, considered very productive, and are used to actually create a sort of destructive economy. 
Since these people are self-interested, the only form of conventional ‘good’ that can exist between them is cooperation. This sort of cooperation is a direct result from being self interested, NOT from actually being cooperation (not that they’re not the same, but that’s just my opinion). 

This is what I’ve gotten to so far, but it’s nice to just think…what if??
This is just one of my rough ideas and I promise I’ll complete it as soon as I can. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Patriotism, Religion....and All That Jazz! (Part 2/2)

Basically this is the sequel to my last pissing off patriotism post. I'm sorry i have been off for a while...was a bit busy.

Anyways, lets get started

Amoon On Religion:

Religion is a funny thing. Some people believe that religion is (or was always) just a means of mental adaptation and survival for human beings. Throughout time, human beings made up different religions (i.e Greek Mythology, South Asian forms of religion, Holy Religions...etc) to have some sort of explanation of what was going on around them.

As a born Muslim, i believe in about 30% of what my parents taught me -- just saying, not proud of it..haha. Unlike many other Muslims, i do not only respect the "Holy Religions" (Islam, Judaism, Christianity), but also other religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism...etc. Look, i am not saying i BELIEVE in everything in these different religions -- actually i don't believe in many things in my own religion -- but what i believe in is that a human being is made to seek knowledge from everywhere, no matter how this knowledge may conflict with one's own; and somehow i have constantly found that (although my knowledge is very limited), religions are more similar than different. They kind of complete each other in many ways but only have some differences depending on the cultures, countries, regimes...etc they were interpreted in.

I believe that human beings are self-interested, and because of that self interest, religions are not only interpreted differently, but also somehow cut up into different sects in order to fulfill those self interested needs (then, of course, come the blind followers who share those same needs)...

The previous is just a summary of what i think of religion; but how i see religion is a completely different thing. Being that i know a bit more about the monotheistic religions, i am mostly going to talk about my views on those, and in order not to offend anyone i will try to generalize this as much as possible.

One of the things that always confused me was: if we believe in a God who is Omnipotent, All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Perfect in every way...etc, why do we also tend to think that, with all of this omnipotence, comes the pettiness of judging us on small differences.
- I don't think God cares about whether i pray in the Maalki, Shaafe'i, Hanbali, or Hanafi way (these are different sects of Sunni Muslims).
- I don't think God will judge us on how many mistakes we make, but rather how much we learn from them.
- I think God just cares about how we preserve and take care of ourselves in order to preserve take care of others; how we, his creations, cooperate....WITHOUT the need for any form of authority other than Him, our conscious and subconscious.
- I think that as long as we are good to ourselves, and good to other people, then i guess we're fine. By good, i mean NOT backstabbing, betraying, maligning, abusing, hurting, bullying, disrespecting, degrading and most importantly JUDGING other humans.
- I think the worst thing a mere human can do is to judge other people because of religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, race, nationality, job, wealth...etc. (Although we all enjoy the racist jokes every once in a while, I think God would understand if we're actually being serious or just trying to make a connection through humor).

I see religion as more of a phenomenon which is built throughout life and experience, rather than something fixed since one is born.

When i call myself not religious, it is not because i am detached from my religion; it is only because i want to show what i actually think of my religion...meaning: i am not religious in your typical everyday way.

When i say i am not a believer, it does not mean that i do not believe in God.
I am just not a believer, if being a believer means:
- i believe in any "divine" crap, which is fed to me by people who are seeking power rather than spreading knowledge.
- i blindly believe something in my religion, without asking more questions about how or why i believe in it.
- i do not respect other religions and strive to learn from them as much as i strive to learn more about my own religion
- i pray everyday, while hurting people right after prayers. I would rather not pray, but help my fellow human beings and in turn helping myself becoming more spiritual. To me, i think doing what God asked us to do (be good, build Earth, seek knowledge) is more of thanks to Him than just praying all the time and not being productive.
- i do not take every single moment, emotion, experience, mistake, movement, event, as a way of God loving us rather than 'judging' us.
- i judge other people, thinking that i have the right to do that.
- i do not listen to and respect other people's opinions, views and beliefs if they completely clash with mine.
- i believe in war with WMDs rather than competitive knowledge.  
- i believe in jihad as a means of killing innocent people, rather than a struggle between me, myself and society.
- i respect martyrs who die at war more than people who die on their beds with their children, grandchildren and family around them.

When i said in my last post (Part 1) that my views of religion were getting more and more fixed by the day, i meant that the more knowledge i gained, the more i understood how great God really is and how we have degraded the actual meaning of God.

Of course these are only some of the points on religion i have, but still...i want to know how people have become so arrogant and selfish (as opposed to self interested and cooperative), that they actually complicate what God has asked from us, when it is so simple -- basically being a good human being and investing in ourselves, other living things and Earth -- and then these people actually have the balls to threaten us with God's punishment in hell.

Religion is supposed to be a different experience for each and everyone of us, that's what makes us so complete. With these different interpretations we generate ideas, knowledge and diversity. One must complete a fellow human's ideas and thoughts, not attack them. If one's thoughts were actually wrong, then God would not have allowed them in our heads in the first place...because He does not create anything which is less than perfect.

I apologize if this was pissing off, i tried to articulate it as much as possible because i understand this is a pretty sensitive topic...especially in this part of the world.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Patriotism, Religion....and All That Jazz! (Part 1/2)

Ok, so i guess my last posts give u pretty much about 10 % of what's flying around in my mind. Now lets start with the interesting, controversial and pissing off stuff. Warning: many people might hate me after this post. But its all for the best since, the more you hate me, the more ull advertise me, thus i get more readers and we both get what we want, haters and readers.

Patriotism and religion are two phenomena im always thinking about. My views continuously change depending on my daily observations and experiences. It is interesting how my view of patriotism keeps fluctuating (sometimes i love it and sometimes i hate it), but my views on religion keep developing in the same area.
Amoon on Patriotism:

UAE Flag (boo-hoo, tears everywhere)
Patriotism is a complete and utter waste of my (and everyone's) time, its devastating for the economy, and is just a ball of bullshit. I hate it when people say "i love my country" and don't know shit about it, how it works, its history or even who built it. Holding up a flag is NOT patriotism you idiots. Starting a revolution just because it is a trend is NOT patriotism you idiots. Trying to overthrow another sect of your own religion is NOT patriotism you idiots.
We, the people are what ruined patriotism for ourselves.
I remember the times when my heart actually skipped a beat every time my country's name was called out. I remember when tears easily flowed out of my eyes when i saw our flag fluttering proudly high in the sky. That black, red, green and white flag.
Yet now i wonder, did i, or anyone who still feels like that towards his/her country, do any good with our emotional crap? Did we benefit ourselves while going boo-hoo every time we travelled (cuz apparently we 'missed' our home). NO! All we did was waste very valuable time when we should have been building OURSELVES, our personalities, our spirituality, our future..
Im telling you people, singing your national anthem, or holding up your flag is NOT going to do you any good.

(Pissed off yet? wait...the good part is still coming)
Having said all that, and having said that my view on patriotism is quite changing, let me take you to the conclusion i have gotten to.
You do not deserve to be patriotic if you are not being productive. If you are sitting at home, hanging pictures of your rulers, then you might as well kill're more beneficial being dead than alive for your country. Patriotism should mean that for every second in your day, you want to give back to your country. You have to find away to compensate for what she has offered you: a home for your family, a place where your children might grow, safety, security.

True she is not perfect. But you know why?...
Because we are being 'patriotic'.
We are sitting at home, eating 'herees' and 'lgaimaat' (arabic foods - very fatting: basically turning us into an obese population), and saying "Long Live Our Rulers".

You know why my view changed?....I used to waste time. Lots and lots of time. That made me hate my country because i had nothing to do with her. But now, i study, i work, i try to stay physically healthy, i started a blog...and i realized that when i hated my country, it was because i didn't deserve to love her in the first place. So until now, my conclusion on patriotism is:
Be patriotic when you think you deserve to be. Don't be patriotic if your flag is the most important thing in your life.

Ok. I guess the last part wasn't as bad. A bit communist, don't you think? haha.

My next post is on religion. So if any of you fat, lazy, and useless (and angry) people want to go on....then you're in for my favorite ride of all time.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Photo's n Me

Yes yes, i know what you're gonna say. Typical Emirati chick, does not know how to handle her extremely expensive camera and calls herself a photographer.

Exhibit A
The Beautiful Human Being
Model: One of my good friends.
And ladies i'm sorry he's taken, believe me i've tried.
Well if u have any of those is you head then you're wrong. Yes i like taking photographs but NO i am not good at taking them and NO i am not a photographer. The only reason why i have folders and folders that contain millions of photos of everything and everyone is because i like showing people the world through my eyes; and the world through my eyes, ladies and gentlemen, is beautiful (plz excuse the cheesiness).

I remember why, where and how i took each and everyone of these photos. Let me show you what i mean.

- Exhibit A (Above) :
Oh by the way, just a note before i start, my favorite 'thing' to take pictures of is men. In my opinion, they are the most beautiful living things that have ever roamed the Earth. That beard, that voice, those arms, and that physique....whether fat, thin, tall, short, dark or light....they are all simply mesmerizing. And if my readers don't ming me saying so,  my favorite type is our very own, arrogant, bossy, charming, bad boy, humorous, generous and kind hearted Emirati men.

Ok back to the subject:
Exhibit B
Crying Asian Baby. Haha.
This is one of my favorite pics of all time. Number one: i had a great time taking pics (i was shooting for this project i had) in general that day because the sun was literally laughing (not smiling, but laughing), and the wind was like...DUDE..WOW. The model in the pic is a really close friend of mine (i usually take pics of him if i need them for some works in progress), very narcissistic as you can see, and he loves it when i take pictures of him. So he starts posing and stuff and i was only taking dumb pictures at first, nothing serious. But then, when he was just looking at the ocean, i was sitting there looking up at him...this is exactly what i saw: a beautiful human being. That moment was literally unforgettable.

- Exhibit B:
This was at a temple in Guanzhou, China. I know....he's an Asian baby....what more reason do i have to take pictures, right??! But no, there was one more. This baby in particular was special because when i was in China...i did NOT see ANY baby cry, as opposed her highness my dear 2 year old niece who was doing completely the opposite. Personally, i don't mind babies crying...or maybe i have become immune to them by now..but anyways, this little guy was crying and shouting his ass off in a really quiet temple and it was cracking me up. And he was crying even more every time i showed him my camera. It was simply HILARIOUS. So after taking a couple of pics i ended up with Exhibit B.

- Exhibit C:
Exhibit C
Hope in Hong Kong
Let's take a look at Exhibit C. This was a picture i took in Hong Kong because the area itself caught my eye. Believe it or not this place, which looks like nothing more than a shitty, and very dodgy, ally was right next to an all-brand selling street. Other than that, if you look closely at the ally, the color combination is pretty weird. It is mostly shades of grey, and very little browns (and these are usually pretty depressing colors)....but this is not what caught my eyes in particular. You see, with all this depression is a small array of, yellow, and was like hope i guess (again excuse the cheese people, now move along). I liked it a lot.

In conclusion, these, ladies and gentlemen are only some random photos i have taken. It is not to show of my amazing skills, angles, or whatever language these so called 'photographers' use... It is only just to show off some of my unforgettable memories, which have never failed to make me smile.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Social Food ...sigh

Simply Beautiful, Pure Red Chili. Wake my senses up.
I was just invited to my best friend's house for a very small gathering...maybe 5 girls at most...and i just realized that the way she invites us is by listing a menu to somehow lure us to her 'request'. Unfortunately, it works every time  -_-

Before i start posting my ACTUAL thoughts, let me just explain to you what my food means to me. Obviously, it is a very important feature of literally EVERY outing me and my friends have. I literally cannot think of any outing which did not have any type of consumption; whether it was a glass of hot karak (Indian style tea with milk, very popular in the UAE), or delicious sushi, or scrumptious cupcakes, or quick snacks, or thirst quenching soft drinks, or melted ice cream, or savory pasta, or nutritious sandwiches, or taste-filled seafood, or buttery tarts, or delicious macaroons, or creamy soup, or even...a healthy has just always been there....and always will be until we eventually end with cardiovascular disease i guess.

Pastries in Thailand
Food to me is more of a social event rather than just food. It has two sides i sinfully enjoy. The first is that it brings me closer to my friends, because we are all food lovers. We eat food, and simultaneously talk about food while we also think about food. After being done with the food we repeat this process for dessert. Food is one thing in life which never lets you down, with thousands of cuisines there to melt away your tongue and slowly do the same to your heart. It is one thing in life that can turn me into a poet, a politician, a comedian or just make me appreciate the fact that most of a human being. Whether its just a piece of bread or a royal feast, it is all the same when it stimulates my taste buds and brings tears to my eyes.

The second side i enjoy is that a plate of food, no matter how simple it is to make, always has a complicated burst of flavors that can knock one unconscious. For example, my personal favorite cuisine is oriental (mostly Thai, to be even more precise). So if i have a plate of Tom Yum Kung soup (a delicious blend of coconut milk and Thai spicy paste containing mushrooms, prawns, lemongrass, ginger and basil) and a normal plate of mixed fried rice....that is all i need to to start and end
 a beautiful day. I close my eyes a savor the soup first, where a blend of extremely numbing spicy chili and a sweet smell of coconut milk confuse my senses and drown me in a divine and spiritual experience.

Hardcore Crab in Thailand.
This was accompanied by so much other seafood that day,
For me, food is only ONE of the things in life that brings me closer to God. This might be funny to many people, but if one thinks about it...Don't these abilities of taste and smell such wonders show His divine love for us? Or else why would He allow us these pleasures if he did not want us to experience every moment of them? And doesn't everyone have a better time with loved ones (family, old/new friends...etc) when there is good food involved? One may disagree...but hey...these are just my thoughts...and i like my thoughts to be somehow connected to Him..

This is dedicated to my best friend. You know who you are fat woman.

1) I DO NOT cook. I am only a mere consumer of food.
2) Although i enjoy lots of food and possess an endless appetite, i still go to the gym to balance it out....which i highly recommend for people like me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

my first post

       So i was never a blog/social network/ technology person. But I think I'm starting this blog because it could act like a diary, not of my actions, but just general thoughts. Some thoughts, i think, should be published...those are what made people like David Ricardo, Marx, Socrates or even Shakespeare remembered till now. Unlike today, where we have to constantly 'cite' or 'refer to' other people's thoughts while ours are 'not credible' they stay in our brains until they waste away.

      I'm still very young to be taken seriously, yet i seriously don't care. My age was never a concern, and i think nobody's should be. I am not a very religious person...not at all actually, but i think God has created us in different generations, races, only find out that at some point we are all one; and the only way we can reach that conclusions is by learning from each other, whether we're talking about a 5 year old child, or a 70 year old man (or WOMAN : this is for the feminists...i'm not in the mood for your bullshit).

     In addition, i think this blog will combine many thoughts which i can refer back to if i ever write a book...and if im still cool children will one day read this.

     Furthermore, my blog is called being human...because obviously the most interesting parts of our lives are our mistakes. My thoughts, actions or experiences that will be recorded here will all hopefully show that i respect my mistakes, love making them and most of all show how i learn from them....(then maybe, if they were fun enough, show also what happens after i repeat them a couple more times just for the sake of preserving my youth and spirit).

     Any grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors are purely because i did not revise my post. Personally, i think that that's what writing your thoughts are all about...THE MISTAKES. So plz, my dear readers, do not take my mistakes as those of an idiot Emirati who does not know how to write academic english. haha.